You'll get 3 months to save on your auto loan payments when you switch your auto loan to Freedom First - or when you buy a new/used vehicle with a Freedom First auto loan.1
Getting your auto loan with Freedom First means you'll have 90 days to enjoy the ride before making your first payment.
Whether you're buying a car, dreaming of spending every weekend on the lake, or touring the country in an RV, we can help make it happen. Plus, if you're refinancing a loan from somewhere other than Freedom First, you can still enjoy that 90-day payment delay!1
New & Used Autos
Loans for new or used cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, boats, and trailers.
1Certain restrictions apply. Loans are subject to credit approval. Repayment terms may vary depending upon rate. Payments cannot be deferred more than 90 days from the day of loan closing. Offer valid on auto loans not currently financed with Freedom First Credit Union. Offer subject to end or change at any time without notice.
Contact & Help Center
We're available to our members day and night. Our Help Center is here to assist you with any questions you may have.