Freedom First joined our peers in the Credit Union Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (CU DEI) Collective, where members signed a pledge to commit to positive change towards diversity, equity, and inclusion in 2019.

The push for more inclusive and equitable practices, policies, and services is still underway with much progress to be made, but positive change is in motion at Freedom First. As a Community Development Financial Institution dedicated to empowering those historically shut out of traditional financial systems, a renewed focus on DEI is right in step with our mission of Helping People Prosper - Helping Communities Thrive and Financial Well-Being for All.
Freedom First established the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Working Group, a volunteer committee comprised of employees from diverse backgrounds, careers, and perspectives. The purpose of this group, which meets monthly, is to support the credit union's commitment to sustain a supportive, welcoming environment that is inclusive. The group accomplishes this by identifying opportunities to communicate, advocate, empower, and educate employees for the promotion of equity and inclusion.

In its first year of operation, the group developed a set of priorities that include assessing Freedom First's current state and recommending areas of improvement, promoting inclusive practices throughout all levels and departments, setting DE&I goals which can then be measured and shared with leadership and the broader community, and seeking committee members with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

You can follow our progress here as we reach new milestones and make headway towards our goals.
A group of passionate Freedom First employees formed a working group dedicated to building and expanding culturally-appropriate banking services for all walks of life in our vibrant and diverse community. 

In its first year, the group - consisting of majority bilingual or multilingual employees - focused on bringing Spanish language services to the credit union. This group researched, collaborated, and began implementing their plan, ultimately leading to Freedom First's Juntos Avanzamos designation from Inclusiv (see more information about that below!).

The work of this committee has just begun, and they will continue to build out our capacity and resources for the Spanish-speaking community while also looking ahead to other cultural groups on which the credit union can concentrate efforts.
Juntos Avanzamos – Together We Advance – is a designation for credit unions committed to serving and empowering Latino and Hispanic consumers. 

Juntos Avanzamos (“Together We Advance”) is a designation for credit unions committed to serving and empowering Hispanic and immigrant consumers – helping them navigate the U.S. financial system and providing safe, affordable and relevant financial services. Juntos Avanzamos credit unions employ bilingual, culturally-competent staff and leadership, accept alternative forms of ID and treat all of their members with respect, regardless of immigration status. 

¿Qué es Juntos Avanzamos?
Juntos Avanzamos – Together We Advance - es una designación que se otorga a las cooperativas de crédito comprometidas a servir y educar a los consumidores hispanos. Juntos Avanzamos fue creado por la Liga Cornerstore de Credit Unions como un programa de difusión de inmigrantes en Texas. 

¿Qué puede hacer Juntos Avanzamos por mí?
Las cooperativas Juntos Avanzamos están aquí para ayudarle a navegar el sistema financiero de los Estados Unidos y para darle las herramientas que necesita para alcanzar sus metas y construir un futuro seguro para usted y su familia.

At Freedom First, we measure our value by how much we give back.